Astronomy photography - Constellation Auriga photo with description

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Constellation Auriga

Kodak Pro 400 PPF - 6 x 7 cm medium format camera w/ 90mm lens

- The stars of the night sky have been divided and mapped since ancient times. The results of this mapping are the imaginative shapes and legends of the constellations.

This photo of the constellation Auriga shows the main "naked eye" stars that make up the shape of "The Charioteer" - enlarged in their true color. This is a natural photographic technique with the effect created during a single exposure of the film. It also reveals deep detail in this region of the sky including a deep space nebulae and the beautiful open star clusters M36, M37 & M38.

This is a very easy to find constellation as it forms a large circle of bright stars in the Spring sky with a soft glow of the Milky Way running through it. The bright star Capella Is one of the brightest stars in the sky.